Main objective of the plug-in is to implement an antivirus program into Pydio. All antivirus with command line interface should work. One of the advantages of this solution is that the antivirus program is separate from Pydio therefore there are no dependency issues. Another advantage is that you are free to configure Pydio and your antivirus program as you wish. The plug-in uses the PHP Command-line interface to pass system commands. You can setup the antivirus command via the configuration editor which is accessible under the parameter/setting/plug-in/action/antivirus. Enter the command and use the $FILE variable to specify the path to where files will be scanned. This command will be called when each file is uploaded.
You can also set which file extensions should be scanned or not to scanned. In the area “file extension to scan” enter the file extension to scan. This will result in only specified file extensions in the list will be scanned and all others to be ignored. Note! Typing */, at the beginning of the list will scan all files except for file extensions which are included after */. For example “*/ .sh .zip; all files will be scanned except for files with the following extensions .sh and .zip. The last parameter is “max file size”. All files exceeding this size will not be scanned.
An option exists to keep a trace file for all files which are yet to be scanned. The option is located in the “Generate a trace file not scanned”. First you must specify a folder (with write access rights for your web server). If the trace option is enabling, a file will be created in this folder for each file which has not been scanned. Each trace file will contain an entry with the absolute path of the file which has not been scanned.